Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Old Habbits Die Hard

Well, I had my first day at Moores yesterday. I had a great day selling wise, made some money and went home. But I constantly found myself wanted to be the Manager, this is something that I'm really going to have to work on, for now at least, until they promote me back.

But where I am now is great. I have no real responsibility other than serving the customer and going home. It's great not to have to worry about things like sales forecasts, stats, employee bickering, the District Manager chewing us out, things like that, I just do my job and go home.

I still like being in charge though. I always like it when I can solve a problem or lead a team to success, that kind of accomplishment makes you feel good. I'll get there soon enough, at least that's what the contract says.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Lay back and enjoy for now. Resposibility is just around the corner...