Thursday, March 29, 2007

'The Great American Dream Vote'

Have you heard of this show?

I hadn't until last night right before I went to bed. It's hosted by Donny Osmond (of Donny and Marie), and people basically appeal to the crowd to vote for them so the show will fulfill their particular dream.

The guy that won last night wanted to get a hair transplant, he looked kind of dorky, but seemed quite genuine. The show seems to be structured in sort of tournament style. You start out with 3 groups of 2 contestants. Each contestant gets to tell everyone in the audience what their dream is, then the audience picks their favourite and they move onto the second round. In the second round, the 6 people have been cut down to 3. Then they tell the audience their dream again, the audience then votes for their two favourite, the least favourite of the 3 goes home. Finally the two remaining are in the finals, and the viewing audience at home gets to vote for who they want to win their dream. The results are announced on the next show.

Now, back to this guy that won the hair transplant. That wasn't all he got, they gave him a crap-load of stuff:

- $25,000 Hair Transplant
- $20,000 Cash
- $10,000 New Wardrobe
- All expense paid trip to Las Vegas in a private jet
- A wind surfing board
- A skydiving adventure
- 40" Flat-Screen TV
- Digital Camera
- Video Camera
- A brand new convertible sports car

All along while they were announcing his prizes, Natasha was saying, '...just watch, he'll get some sort of convertible or something...'. Of course they save the car until last, I was quite impressed that she was right.

This show seems to be a waste of time and a gross waste of money. If they're going to give people their dream, it should be someone truly deserving of having their dream come true. There are organizations that make terminally ill children's dreams come true all the time. I think that they hundreds of thousands of dollars that they spend producing this show could be far better spent if it were donated to a deserving charity such as the Children's Miracle Network, or the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

Oh well, I guess everyone needs something to watch on a Wednesday night.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Busy, but not so much, you know?

Have you ever wanted to do something, but then you come up with a million different other things you just 'have to do'? I think we all have. And those things that you just 'have to do' are really just things to keep you from doing the first thing that you really don't want to do. You keep yourself so wrapped up in what you think you 'have to do' that by the time you get around to the other stuff, there's not really any time to do it, oh well, maybe tomorrow.

I know that I have been complaining a lot about this doorknocking stuff, but I don't know. I've been doing it, somewhat, I've been getting out when the weather's been nice. For the rest of the week it's supposed to be beautiful here, so I suppose I'll be doing some doorknocking.

I think my problem is that I psych myself out before I even get in the car to go. I find myself trapped in my own mind sometimes, thinking about the worst case scenario all the time, and I think that's keeping me away. I'm starting to figure this out, I'm telling myself that all I need to do is go out for an hour, an hour and a half, you know? steps I guess you can call it.

It seems to be working a bit, I don't feel quite as 'trapped' as I did in past weeks. So, I guess I'll just keep on keepin' on.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Home at Last

This weekend marked our 1 year anniversary. We spent a great weekend together, and had the opportunity to spend a night in Niagara Falls. We had dinner here in Hamilton at Shakespeare's (great steak by the way), and then we made our way to Niagara Falls afterwards.

On Sunday, we walked up and down Clifton Hill, spent some time in the Guinness Museum, and walked up and down the Niagara River. About 3 hours later we decided to call it quits and head back to the car. We spent a quiet hour driving back to Hamilton, it was a nice day and a nice drive, although, 'Tips' couldn't find us a Tim Hortons, so we had to do it the old fashioned way. For those of you wondering, 'Tips' is the GPS System that Natasha got me for Christmas, we call it 'Tips' due to the old saying, 'Thanks Tips', if you don't get it, never mind.

Anyhow, no matter how nice your trip is, it's always nice to come home. We decided to let Spencer stay one more night at his Gramma's house so we could relax and unwind a bit. He'll be back sometime this morning, with a new bone I hear.

So, one year down, a lifetime to go. I'm looking forward to it.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Weather Sensitive Business

I'm sure most people, other than Jehovah's Witnesses and Postal Carriers, don't have their jobs so affected by the changes in the weather. Usually, one would just get in the car, drive to work and sit in their office for 8 hours, shielded from the weather.

Not me. I don't think I've ever watched the Weather Network so much ever! When their news is even a bit too hard to take, I turn to CH to get a second opinion. I find by the way, that the Weather Network is far more accurate.

It's difficult for me to imagine how I could effectively go doorknocking in the rain. I'd be showing up to someone's door soaking wet...real professional. Maybe in the freezing cold? No, my hands and mouth don't work when they're frozen. So, I find myself really enjoying the days when it's either just lightly snowing, or sunshine and decent temperatures.

Today, I'll have to keep my eyes on the sky as it's supposed to thunder shower for most of the morning and afternoon. Oh well, there's always tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Downfall of Marriage

My wife and I have a great relationship. We have our disagreements once in a while, but who doesn't, right? Anyhow, the reason that I'm writing this message today, is that I have finally found one of the biggest downfalls of marriage. When one spouse gets sick, the other spouse might as well start booking sick days.

Natasha came down with a cold a few days ago, and up until this morning, I was really proud of my immune system for not allowing such a virus to invade my system...wrong. This morning I woke up with a sore throat and a runny nose. Oh well, one of the drawbacks to sharing a bed with someone.

So, her punishment for giving me such a virus will be that she will have to take care of me for the next few days while I get better. Not really, I'll just have to lay low for a few days (I'll try at least) and let it run its course.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

I'm A Real Broker Now

While I was in a fellow Broker's office last week complaining to his Assistant about the slow laptop that I have to use, I said to her, "...I can't wait to get my own office with real computers." Knowing of course that I wouldn't be doing so until closer to the end of the year. She then replied, "...Well, maybe you should move down to Stoney Creek." Apparently, the Broker that was working out of the Stoney Creek office quit last month. So, I, being the resourceful one, called my IR Development Specialist to see if I could take over the office...she was on vacation until the 20th...great, I have to wait all weekend to find out.

So, Monday morning comes around, and I can't wait one more day to find out. So I called my Regional Leader and asked him what he thought of the idea. I mean, this is a great opportunity, there aren't any other Edward Jones Brokers in Stoney Creek, the area hasn't been doorknocked in a while, AND there is another Broker moving closer to my current area in a few weeks. So, my Regional Leader made a few calls and the guy at Head Office that handles office placements called me back.

All of the current assets that had been in the office had been reallocated to other offices in Hamilton already, so there wasn't going to be a current client base to work with. Oh well. But, they were pleased to see that someone was taking the initiative in asking for the office, so they offered it to me. All I have to do is qualify for 'office status', just like everyone else in my class. But the difference being that as soon as I do, I get the keys to the office. My fellow classmates would have to wait for the lease negotiations, the surveying and the build-out, which takes upwards of 6 months. So, good for me.

I will be starting to prospect the Stoney Creek area today, hoping to find some people that are interested in a change. At least now, when people as me where my office is, I can give them a location that they actually know. That, at least in my mind, makes me a real broker now.

Monday, March 19, 2007

One Year Later

It's always interesting when you can look back at a specific moment in your life and remember who, what, where and when. For us lately, it's been our one year anniversary coming up on Sunday.

It's totally mind blowing to me that what we've been though so far has only taken place over the span of one year.

It was exactly 52 weeks ago today (not actually one calendar year, that would make it tomorrow), that Natasha and I flew off to Calgary to find a place to live. We would then arrive back in Hamilton late Wednesday night/early Thursday morning to finish planning the wedding that we had to move up 7 months. Friday was our rehearsal for the wedding, and Saturday was the big day. Sunday was a 'catch your breath' day, and Monday morning we were off to Calgary!

Little did we know that almost 6 months to the day, we would be coming back to Hamilton to start over...again.

Since we've been back, there have been ups, downs and all arounds. But I'm extremely happy with the way that my life has turned out so far, I have an amazingly beautiful wife (I married up), a family that is so supportive of me (sometimes I don't think I deserve it) and a job that I'm working at being passionate about (it's coming, slow and steady). I wouldn't change anything I've done, not a chance. I once heard, 'you have to regret nothing, and fear less'. I try, but sometimes the second thing can be sort of difficult...but everyone will make it through.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Good Day/Bad Day

In the business that I am in, it involves a certain amount of intestinal fortitude. You need to be able to have 100 doors slammed in your face, figuratively (sometimes literally), and keep on trekking as if nothing ever happened.

When I do meet someone that seems genuinely kind at the door, I try to make a mental note that when I call them, they should be the same nice person...WRONG!

Case in point. I knocked on this nice older lady's door. She invited me into her home, offered my a cup of coffee as it happened to be quite chilly that day. We spoke for a few minutes, she told me about her family, then I went on my way feeling quite good about this prospect. When I phoned her a few weeks later, she was so rotten to me on the phone, she must have woken up on the wrong side of the bed right before someone pissed in her Cheerios! It was awful!

I've learned in my time in sales and customer service that you can't really judge someone right out of the gate, you have to get to know them a bit more. Most people I meet that are nice, remain nice. It's just the rare case where you just get your socks blown off once in a while.

Oh well, it's just the nature of the beast I guess. It just makes me enjoy the nice people that much more.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

A Baby Is No Longer Safe In His Mother's Arms

Last night, it was reported on CH News that a mother here in Hamilton was arrested after her baby of only 4 months was taken to Hospital with stab wounds to his chest!

I thought that the safest place a baby could be was in his Mother's arms. I guess that fad has long passed. What kind of deranged woman would think that it is acceptable to stab her baby? The things that people are capable of now are downright scary to me. I can remember when I was a kid, being able to go to my mother/grandmother and feel totally safe, and not have to worry that they were going to stab me or something.

Kids these days have enough to worry about with drugs and weapons at schools. They shouldn't have to worry about mom going off the deep end and stabbing them to death in their sleep. These people should be put away for a long, long time.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

I Am So Sore

Yesterday, I went to the Church to help them build the set for their Easter production. Now, this sounds like a fairly simple feat right? Wrong.

If you haven't ever seen the sets that this guy comes up with, you would be shocked. Now, Bethel is a huge Church, they've got huge budgets for stuff like this, so they can sort of push the envelope a bit.

There are two huge set pieces flanking either side of where the choir stands. The one is a platform that is 8 feet deep, 20 feet wide and 8 feet off the ground. This is where I will be performing in the Last Supper scene.

The other monstrosity on the other side has two uses. First, there is the underside, being used as Jesus' tomb. This part is 12 feet deep, 20 feet long and about 6 feet high. Sitting on top of that is the Calvary's cross scene. This, again is 12 feet deep, 20 feet wide, but this time, the set reaches an additional 12 feet in the air, so we're looking at a set piece that is 12 feet deep, 20 feet long and 18 feet high. You try and get strong enough lumber up that high.

I never claimed to be in the best condition, but I can't remember feeling this sore after any kind of physical work before, except after Sledge Hockey. I'm not an old man, but today, I sure feel like one.

Friday, March 9, 2007

What Are You Doing On April 13th, 2036?

Not sure? Well, mark you calendars and head off to Home Depot and start building your backyard bunkers. NASA is very worried that on that date, April 13th, 2036, an Asteroid will strike Earth.

They are giving it a 1 in 45,000 chance that it will actually enter our atmosphere, but this is really worrying the folks down at NASA. They've gone to the United Nations and asked them you fund some program that basically monitors outer space for potential Asteroid threats...isn't NASA supposed to be doing this themselves?

Anyhow, if you aren't busy on April 13th, 2036, come on over to our place, we're having an 'End of the World' blow-out BBQ, we'll have Asteroid burgers with all the fixin's. Unfortunately all of the bottled water and canned goods will be off limits, after all, we have to save all of that for the nuclear winter hibernation after the Asteroid strikes.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

What If?

Have you ever wondered, "What If?". Such a silly question, sure you have, to one extent or another.

I sometimes find myself thinking about what life would be like if we were still living in Calgary. We'd darn sure have more money, I'd probably be a front runner for the next District Manager position, and Natasha could have looked into getting her Teaching degree transferred over. But, as life happens, things change.

We're here in Hamilton, with all of our family, trying to dig ourselves out of the debt that we sunk ourselves in when we moved back. Are we happier? I think so. Natasha and I have become closer in the last few months than we ever would have if we had stayed in Calgary. I think change is a good thing (contrary to what everyone in my family will tell you). Let me rephrase that...change is a good thing in moderation. This coming from a guy who got married and moved 4,000 km away from home.

But, we're here, happy and together. That's the important thing, that's all that matters.

Monday, March 5, 2007

...Never Again

Have you ever been so terrified of something, something you know you had to do, but you still couldn't bring yourself to do it? Up until the last few months, I really hadn't ever felt that way before. I am ashamed to say that if someone told me that they were feeling this way, I would have scoffed and told them to just suck it up and do it.

My job, as great as it is sometimes, has its downfalls. As a new business owner, I have to build my business from scratch, that means nothing, nada, zilch. To help get us clients, the company asks us to go door knocking to introduce ourselves and the company.

I knew from the second day I was doing this, that something just didn't feel right. I was having anxiety attacks first thing in the morning, throwing up and stuff. If it weren't for my wife, I don't think I would have made it this far, she was always behind me, gently nudging me, always supporting me.

I don't know what it is, I have been in sales all of my life, there's nothing that would otherwise intimidate me the way that this door knocking does. There's just something that clicks inside of me when I even think about doing it. My entire body suddenly feels like someone has poured cement into it, I can't move. If I do get myself to the neighbourhood that I want to door knock, I can't seem to get myself out of the car. I don't know what to do sometimes, I just don't.

If you're reading this, and I have ever told you to just suck it up and do it, I want you to know that I am sorry for saying such a heartless thing to you, I honestly didn't know what you were going through, now I do.

I hope all of this will go away in time, the sooner the better. I am running out of old contacts and an slowly coming to the realization that I will eventually have to go and door knock some more, probably sooner rather than later.

I guess I'll just have to suck it up and do it.

Friday, March 2, 2007

Angelina Jolie Adopts Again

I heard on the news this morning that Angelina Jolie wants to adopt another foreign child. Now, don't get me wrong, adoption is a wonderful thing, but don't you think that she should have to go through the motions just like everyone else?

The last time her and Brad Pitt decided to adopt a child, they jumped on a plane and flew right into his village and took him home. This doesn't really sit well with me, they should have to wait just like everyone else. There are people who cannot have children who have waited years for an adopted child to come into their lives, people wait endlessly for their turn. But, if you have a few bucks and are famous, you can just go to the African Orphan Drive-Thru and pick one up and take him home today!

I think that if you want to adopt a child, which is a great idea, you should have to submit your paperwork and wait along with everyone else. That's just the way things go in this world...for the rest of us at least.